September… and cooler weather :)

Greetings, friends and family!  Long time no… post.  Sorry about that.  Mom and Dad have been super busy (of course) with trying to keep us in line, get work projects done (Dad), run a household (Mom) and still have some down time (yeah, right!).

We have been  busy too, my siblings and I.  Jr., Bumblebee and Cruz are all pretty impressed with how I (Squeaker) have been talking so well, and not squeaking so much.  Everyone says I enunciate so well… whatever that means.  I think it’s a good thing, since they seem to have such wide eyes (and grins) when they’re talking about me.

The most exciting news we have to share, for those of you who don’t yet know, is that we’re going to have another new baby brother or sister in January.  Mom thinks it’s a girl, on account of her hairline wispies going a little crazy like they did when she had Bumblebee and me in her tummy.  Anyhow, the new baby will be born VERY close to Jr’s birthday, if not on the same day.  Jr. is very excited, of course.  He wants another birthday buddy – he already has a few, among our friends and acquaintances.

Anyway, down to the fun stuff.  We have a load of pictures and a few videos to share with you.  Since it’s been such a long time since the last post the first few pictures will seem a little old, but really they’re only from about 6 months ago (of course, that’s 1/5 of my life, so that’s kind of a long time for me).   Enjoy!

Here are a couple pictures of my second birthday… 6 months ago.  😛


You can hear me talking in the following video, which was taken around the same time as my birthday. Cruz is so cute!

Here I am trying on Daddy’s shoes… my mom says there is a picture of her just like this when she was about my age, except she had her daddy’s socks on, too.  Oh, and there’s a picture of me in a swing at a local park.  I LOVE the swings!


And now for a clip of Cruz when he started learning to scoot. We’re not sure why his scoot turned into a roll at one point, but now that it’s September he is working on his walking skills, so this is old news. 😉

Here are a couple pictures from early Summer of the 4 of us kiddos.  Aren’t we adorable!? hehe.


Mom says this next picture had to be nice and big so you could see the full disaster… Jr. and Bumblebee decided to have a dump fest. Jr. and Cruz’s room was the location, and Bumblebee looks at the mess as if it’s going to clean itself.  All I know is I was fast asleep. 🙂

There has been video of me in the past exhibiting my singing skills, but I’m getting a little better… take a look!

Cruz caught Mommy taking his picture, but he was a good sport about it.  He just loves pulling toys out of the toybox. These pictures were taken in June.


The 4 of us got caught by Daddy when he was camera-happy sometime in August… we weren’t exactly photogenic in terms of our clothes and hair – I was already in my pj’s and by this time of the evening Bumblebee and I had sufficiently messed our hair up to look like we had “bed-head”, but Daddy can’t resist putting us in poses and getting us to smile and laugh, ready or not!  It was a good time.


I love books – below are some pictures of Jr. and Bumblebee reading to me, then one of me reading to a puppy, and finally one of the three of us reading on Jr’s bed.



In the following recent video of Cruz he displays one of his newer skills – saying “hi.”

Now for some of Cruz’s first birthday (some were taken ON his birthday, others the weekend following, hence the different outfits and birthday desserts).





Cruz also got a haircut for his birthday – here are some before and after pictures.


And a portrait shot of each of us, taken early this month.


I hope you liked the post.  If you’re lucky you might see more by Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the cooler weather!  Happy Autumn!  🙂

One thought on “September… and cooler weather :)

  1. Berna

    Always so fun to have a sneak peak into the pandemonium! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We’re excited about the newbie too!

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