Hello! I’m the new guy, just arrived last night! My name is Jose Oscar Karlos Enrique Raphael de la Santa Cruz… but my brother and sisters call me “Cruz!” It is good to finally see the light! Where I’ve been hanging out it was dark… but warm and cozy. Nothing personal mom, but I just had to get out and see the world! At first I tried kicking my way out. Then I tried punching, but the fleshy constraints were a little too much for my minimally developed (for now) musculature. Then I remembered the “Think Method” so I concentrated on thinking of being free. At first I thought I was doing something wrong because the walls started contracting all around me! But before long I was able to breathe freely — after a short swim! I cannot tell you how incredible it felt to finally stretch out my arms and legs after my period of gestation. I have so much more to write but need to get my rest and nourishment for now. Stay tuned for more updates and photos!
Call Me Cruz.
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