Recently the whole gang loaded up in the car and headed out west to visit some family members. Here’s a quick photo summary:
First things first, Bumblebee came marching in and took control of the situation — and the toy watering can that her uncle gave her.
Unfortunately Bumbles forgot to thank her uncle for this kind gift. I’m sure it was just a simple oversight… she’s usually quite thankful for the presents given to her. Next Bumblebee demonstrated the awesomeness of her toy to her cousin.
Meanwhile, over in the kitchen, baby girl was stealing the show. Her aunt loves holding her!
Her uncle likes her — and her hair — too.
Junior was content to romp about outside. When asked if he liked visiting his cousins he just smiled. Or smirked. Or whatever this face means.
Maybe he was saying that he was more artistic with his chalk than daddy was with his camera. It’s possible…