Quick Photo Share… 6/15

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Yaaaawwwn… Oh, Hi!  Sorry, just woke from a nap.  I like naps.  Anyway, the froggers here– what’s that?  Oh, BLOGgers, sorry.  The Bloggers here said it’s high time we updated you on the goings-on around here.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve sure been busy.  I cut two teeth on Ash Wednesday – Mom says I’m the earliest to cut teeth (by a week) and the first to cut two on the same day!  I started sitting up on my own not long after that.  Then it was scooting and finally crawling by Easter!  Since then I’ve been pulling myself up on things and walking along while holding on.  If I’m really diligent I might be walking before my first birthday in August.

Mom says there’s a lot to catch up on, but for now we thought we’d share some photos we just had done, and hopefully she can get a more detailed post done soon, catching you up on 2015.

So enjoy the photos, and hopefully we’ll get to chat again soon!  Oh, and I just thought I’d share one last thing… I’m going to be a big brother in January!  Yay!!!

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